It was good to be back, even if for but a short few short weeks.
During the stay, I worked with companies in Kolkata, Mumbai and Noida, running the two-day workshops "Recruiting Winners".
These were intensive and therefore also hard work. However, all the participants were really enthusiastic, putting in a great deal of effort to learn how to interview for high performing people.
Their dedication to becoming far more effective for the benefit of both their company and the people in it made it great to be working with them.
In Kolkata, I had the pleasure of working with the friendly team in IntraSoft Technologies. In Mumbai, the team at USV kept me on my toes and in Noida, OSSCube Solutions made me work hard and have continued to call for further support!
I am pleased to see they have made changes in order to fully utilise what they have learned.
What did the Workshops cover?
The Basics:
Why it is so important to get selection right.
Why normal interviews can easily go expensively wrong.
Why the “usual suspects” of Skills, Knowledge, Training, Qualifications and Experience are woefully inadequate measures on their own.
The vitally important aspects:
Identifying the crucial factors that determine high performance in a role.
Understand these core factors in some depth.
How to frame interview questions that will elicit valuable information about these items rather than the “stock” answers one normally gets.
How to dig deeper when probing.
Review of a few past recruitments that went wrong so we can validate to what extent understanding these important aspects might have saved an error.
The feedback received.
"I am happy to share that everybody has got inspired by your training and are using the 'Recruiting Winners' Technique while interviewing.
They have really put the learning into practice. Thank you for such an effective training.
"The workshop was amazing ..."
"I thank you for supporting me in my quest to create a Team of HR Professionals who can make a difference to the business and industry not by just having a certification in HR but actually implementing the ideas of thought leaders in HR profession."